Facilitating Spaces 101

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Facilitating Spaces 101


by Jessica Ceballos

Facilitating Spaces 101
not what, but where are we doing [?]

first comes the space, then comes facilitating
first comes facilitating, then comes the space

What draws us to particular spaces? What do we know about the space, and it’s geography, before and aft er we choose it? Who was here before us? Who is us? Where is us? What are we doing here? Where are we doing? And why. The spaces we choose to hold our events in are determined by a number of factors, but are those factors aligned with equitable intentions? The conversations this toolkit hopes to inspire is meant to convince you, to persuade you, to con you, into thinking deeply about the space your program occupies. Whether it’s a workshop, a classroom, a reading, an art exhibit, or a musical experience - we need spaces! Incorporating thoughtfulness and mindfulness will not only help to make our events more meaningful and engaging, but it also fosters inclusive practices that in the long run can build equity in our communities, through the pathway of artistic practice.

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